Right now I hate people!! They can be so dumb and aggravating!! I ask a question about something and I get a mini desertation. Just give me an answer for crying out loud. No, I do not want to do this-and-that with so-and-so. The reason being is because so-and-so is driving me up the wall. Why - because they always have to make some kind of comment and it is usually not needed. I don't need to be told what happened yesterday, last night, this morning, etc. It seems I need to be informed about everything they do. I think I "need to get out of Dodge". Either that or start doing other things in place of what I am doing now. At least that way I could avoid certain people. I seem to be having the same problem at the stable also. About the only place this is not happening is at work. I certainly don't want to spend 24/7 there. Oh yeah, at least the home front is quiet. Just the occasional meow, rub, pet me. I think I feel better after all that. Will let you know later
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